James L. Lippincott


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Antioch College Collateral

Building on the design language of College recruitment materials, I updated the school’s brand standards and style guide and deployed the visual identity through a wide variety of publications, direct mail appeals, proposals, and informational pieces.  

Antioch Under the Stars

For a signature special event gala for the College’s closest supporters, a design concept was created with fantastical representations of the College’s iconic main building and logo to tap into a rich history and sense of nostalgia for the storied past, and an undying optimism for the future.

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Claremont McKenna College Five-Year Reunion

The “Five-Year Reunion” program was conceievd in 2010 to capitaize on a strong sense of class unity and loyalty in order to build stronger engagement among younger alumni who were less likley to participate traditional reunions and other Alumni Association programs. By creating a tailored and branded destination experience for each individual class year, we were able break through with these busy and descerning young professionals, shattering attendance goals, and create a “can’t miss” annual event with a decade of demonstrated sucess. See more in Events & Experiential Marketing.

Pitzer College Grove House & Arboretum

Ask Pitzer College students from across the generations, and they would identify the Grove House, and its setting amidst the John R. Rodman Arboretum, as the soul of the campus. Saved from demolition by a group of students and faculty in the late 1970s, the Grove House quickly became the warm heart—and literal living room—for students on a campus laregly constructed in the 1960s. Another grassroots effort, the Arborteum sprang up araound the house becoming a living laboratory and model of environmental stewardship which ultimately influenced the landscape of the entire campus.

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